Columbia Gas Continues Their Pipeline Improvement Project


Columbia Gas is currently undertaking a large natural gas pipeline improvement project in the Central Ohio region. The project is part of a larger Columbia Gas initiative that will invest over $2 billion in the region’s natural gas infrastructure. The pipeline improvement project will replace the area’s aging natural gas steel pipes with a longer-lasting and more durable plastic pipe that is specially designed to handle natural gas.

The project will complete three main objectives for each Central Ohio neighborhood slotted for pipeline improvement. The first objective is to replace the main gas line, which usually runs under the street or alley of neighborhoods. The second objective is to replace the customer service line, which runs from the main line to the actual home or business. The final objective is to relocate any indoor natural gas meters to being accessible from outdoors. We are sure that the project will impact many residences and businesses, based on the map below that highlights only the large-scale current improvement projects.
